Interesting topic and article. Not knowing all research behind this but I think the story on socialmovement effectiveness could be enhanced with learnings such as from "Rules for Radicals" by Alinsky (once recommended by Rutger Bregman). Comes across very powerful because based on how humans work/world as it is and not the ideal/rational world. Adds elements/spice such as "which means justify the ends" (instead of binary violent-non violent), qualities of an action movement organizer, communication basics
Wow! I did not expect so many of my views on the topic to change. I especially appreciate the evidence-based run down of the various tactics.
Interesting topic and article. Not knowing all research behind this but I think the story on socialmovement effectiveness could be enhanced with learnings such as from "Rules for Radicals" by Alinsky (once recommended by Rutger Bregman). Comes across very powerful because based on how humans work/world as it is and not the ideal/rational world. Adds elements/spice such as "which means justify the ends" (instead of binary violent-non violent), qualities of an action movement organizer, communication basics